Good morning to the napkin in the hallway this morning. - Outside of "Oso's room." It makes me happy to know Oso is so conscientious of good manners and cleanliness.
What Other Dogs Eat
- Puh-Leeze
- Fabul-Oso!
- Oso is Not Alone
- Proper Meal Servings
- The Audience is Watching
- Who Stole the Cookie From the Cookie Jar?
- Can-sportation
- The Turkey Got Grounded
- Sigh.
- The Vines That Tie . . . To Oso
- Wanna Lick? Psych!
- Manners
- Who's Al Fresco? Who, who, who who
- What I Actually Ate
- See's The Day . . .
- Is This Big Enough?
- Nutritional Value?
- How Does He Get to Everything?
- Oso Territory
- Meet Oso